The Joy of Finding Like Minded People
Moving into Moseley, almost two years ago, I never really considered that there was much going on that would align with my eco-interests. We are close to the centre of a very industrial city in the middle of the country. The locals I know and am friends with value the environment for sure. But it is not necessarily their calling, so holding a motivating conversation about the importance of reducing plastic is not high on their list of topics. Which I totally understand and happily accept- their passions are with other things. It did mean though that I didn't quite believe that the environment was big on the agenda for many locals at all.
Well, silly me. I do sometimes have to remind myself that a lot of people really give a shit. And it has opened up a whole new community- better late than never!
The zero waste and plastic free living birmingham, uk group (just in case you missed it in the pic...)
It started when I read Treading My Own Path's blog post on creating a Zero Waste Facebook group. At this time I started to notice that there were a few people from the West Midlands posting in the Journey to Zero Waste UK group and could do with more local support. I decided that, even if there were only a handful of us trying to make Birmingham less wasteful and less reliant on plastic, we could maybe make a difference. Or at least generate some conversation. I mean, if I could create one place online to show businesses and politicians that people want plastic free options, then why not?
So I did. I created the Zero Waste and Plastic Free Birmingham, UK Facebook Group. Ever since, I have been interacting with inspiring locals and have learnt more about how I can get involved in eco-activities within Birmingham. The group has grown to 144 members in a week and a half and I have been chatting with people like Tom who is opening Clean Kilo- Birmingham's first package free store, and Izzy who organises volunteering opportunities in Moseley.
I don't have to go to Cornwall and do a beach clean in order to feel like I'm helping, I can do it right here. Well, not a beach clean exactly, but you know what I mean. (Yes, I feel stupid for not realising this sooner!)
I've already participated in an hour of Moseley Litterbusting, and on Monday I hope to get to a Birmingham Friends of the Earth meeting and The Real Junk Food Project Kings Heath Cafe for some advice on Bokashi-ing... (whatever the gerund is for this anaerobic fermentation process).
I think that, particularly for environmental and humanitarian causes, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the situation. That feeling of hopelessness can be paralysing. We are sociable creatures and we need energy from others to keep us motivated and on track. I have been involved from a distance- online activism, reading up on what I, individually can do to help and participating in once-offs usually at the sea-side. But once I started talking with real people who also make up my real, off-line community, it re-awakened the drive and re-ignited the hope.
Litterbusting moseley
Litterbusting group
It's ok to get out from behind that screen and actually talk with human beings in the flesh! Whatever your values, I would strongly advocate getting out there and getting involved in the real thing and connecting with other, like-minded people.
Are there real life groups you are involved with, outside of your normal social circle, that have encouraged you to stay on track with your goals in life? It would be really great to hear about them in the comments below!