Lessons from April
Here we are again at the beginning of a new calendar month. I reflect on all that I’ve learnt within the realms of REwilding, REconnecting and REciprocating.
I spent a lot of time in April on the allotment. I can’t say that most of the work would be classified as ‘rewilding’- cultivating the land for crops is not really a wilding effort. However, I like to be conscious of how I’m treating the land we grow crops on. I am trying to grow as organically as possible and making sure to encourage all wildlife in- the ecosystem will balance itself out if you let it. I’m making the cropping spaces unattractive to hungry slugs and snails by keeping them ‘weed’ free (they’re raised too, which is helpful), whilst providing areas of refuge for insects with more natural foliage and flowers. If my salads are anything to go by, it is a going well so far!
Partly rewilding, partly reciprocating: At home, I’ve finally put up a bird box out the back- I imagine it will only be attractive to the sparrows, which I know aren’t the top of everyone’s bird list, but I love them. I’m watching one now inspect my rose for aphids, so they are certainly welcome anytime!
I’m hoping to get a swift box installed soon. They nest in my neighbours front eves when they return from Africa, but I don’t think there are many gaps for them at ours. If you can install a swift box, you should! Entire swift colonies have been decimated due to lack of nesting sites which is a direct result of new homes that don’t allow for nooks and crannies. You can get a swift nest integrated in new builds. See RSPB for more info.
This month I have begun attending Nature Connects Woodland Wellness course. I was inspired by the staff at Newquay Orchard to go and it is giving me lots of lovely ideas on different ways to bring in connectedness with nature. I’m hoping to be able to share my learnings, integrated with my own thoughts and ideas soon. (So watch this space!) I think it is very important to learn how to ‘be’ in nature and allow yourself to switch off and drink her in. Not everyone has the ability to do this and the benefits are monumental. Finding that connection is what is going to get us through this next era.
Also on the REconnect bandwidth… I have altered my relationship with Instagram. It (my personal profile, not my Green Squirrel one) was beginning to have a significantly negative effect on my mental health. So I’ve muted and unfollowed many, whilst also being very conscious of the times when I have thought- oh, I should get a photo for Instagram. Instead of whipping the phone out, I have taken a breath and made sure to enjoy every second of the moment I was in. That moment isn’t important to anyone but me. And incorporating the phone/ social media simply detracts from the now. It should be cherished in my memory, not on a screen. Being that little bit more present has definitely connected me more to the time and space I occupy at any given moment. Seems like an obvious one, but we all have our vices!
Litter picking a tent in Fistral dunes
I feel that my reciprocate has been a bit lacking this month. I’ve certainly done my fair share of litter picking, especially over the Easter break where I was one of a few who picked the Fistral dunes every day. Sad to say that the litter was constant and overwhelming.
Connie the compost spider
I did develop a relationship with a spider in my compost at the allotment. I give thanks for her being there as part of a healthy ecosystem. Balancing out the abundance of flies and bugs. She is very welcome there and I’ve named her Connie.
It is good to reflect on the fact that I haven’t been reciprocating as much as I’d like. I can go into the new month giving more thanks to the Mother Earth.
That’s it for this month! Please do share any ways you are Rewilding, Reconnecting and Reciprocating.